
Panel Discussion: New advances in cardiac imaging

  • Optical coherence tomography (OCT) for intravascular imaging 
  • Molecular imaging for targeted therapy and early disease detection 
  • Role of artificial intelligence (AI) in cardiovascular imaging 
  • How can you improve your imaging, is it all in technology?  


Effective management of patients at risk of AKI undergoing interventional cardiovascular procedures

  • Post-procedural AKI and downstream consequences to the healthcare system 
  • Patient comorbid conditions and/or interventional cardiovascular procedures conferring additional risk of AKI 
  • Effective management strategies in patients at-risk of AKI 


The role of cardiologists in stroke care

  • Key measures to prevent strokes in patients with cardiovascular diseases 
  • New techniques and technologies for stroke management in patients with cardiac comorbidities 
  • Unique challenges in stroke rehabilitation with previous cardiovascular conditions 


CCTA in the context of interventional cardiovascular procedure planning

  • Brief overview of value of CCTA within multimodality imaging approaches for IC procedural planning, and context in which CCTA may be preferred over traditional angiography
  • CCTA best practices and use of CT-FFR for interventional cardiovascular procedural planning
  • Overview of current clinical guidelines on CCTA and CT-FFR in IC procedural planning


Cardiorenal Syndrome - the link between the kidneys and the heart

  • The 5 subtypes and causes of cardiorenal syndrome
  • Diagnosis and treatment available across the MDT
  • Helping patients to decrease their risk


Chair's opening remarks followed by: Panel Discussion: Multidisciplinary Teams in Cardiac Care

  • Bridging the gap between cardiologists and cardiac surgery   
  • Updating the guidance: how the guidance helps the whole team   
  • Multidisciplinary teams and meetings: contributing to the patient pathway effectively  


Test session

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque sagittis tincidunt leo, vel condimentum ipsum fringilla tincidunt. Curabitur vitae congue nisl. Etiam eros ipsum, rutrum sit amet luctus sit amet, tempor sit amet odio. Aenean ultricies et nisi a finibus. Donec ullamcorper maximus ex, at eleifend nisl tincidunt et. Curabitur suscipit tellus eu sapien congue, sed euismod enim vulputate. Aliquam eget felis sit amet erat congue pharetra. Mauris hendrerit fermentum ex eu finibus. Cras ornare neque vel enim convallis mattis. Nulla luctus lorem rutrum diam dictum suscipit. Maecenas scelerisque mi laoreet magna ornare dapibus.

Mauris pellentesque massa semper massa semper tempus. Nulla sapien turpis, feugiat sit amet imperdiet at, gravida vitae eros. Integer efficitur pretium tincidunt. In mattis egestas dolor fringilla tincidunt. Phasellus eget lacus quis massa pretium eleifend. Cras quis luctus leo, sed laoreet odio. Sed eu tempor sapien, sed rhoncus mi. Sed interdum varius quam, efficitur viverra nunc maximus ac. Suspendisse eget lacus vel lorem bibendum tempus. Donec mattis posuere porttitor. Donec libero nisi, euismod eu auctor eu, mollis id tortor.


55 years on (1967): 1st heart transplant

  • Today's heart transplant procedures and the evolution of the surgery 
  • Complications/successes in heart transplantation 
  • The future for heart transplants 


Panel Discussion: Advances in Cardio-Lipido-diabetology

  • The association of diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease 
  • Hyperlipidaemia, cholesterolemia and cardiovascular complications 
  • Different anti-lipid and anti-diabetes and the link to CVD 


Panel Discussion: Use and Misuse of modern technology in the treatment of the heart

  • A better understanding of individual heart disease/failure  
  • Device therapy in treatment of the heart  
  • Developments in treatment methods – what's being used across the EU